
Aurora Borealis

I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights, and it is on my "life list" to do before I'm 35.  Patrick has been lucky enough to experience the phenomenon while canoeing in Canada as a kid, but I've never travelled far enough to the North.  Then I saw this on Re-nest.com today and thought it looked like a romantic getaway for those who don't mind the cold and snow (like us!).

The Igloo Village at Hotel Kakslauttanen

The glass igloos let you sleep under the Northern Lights while staying warm.  The special thermal glass keeps you warm without getting frosted.

It would also be a great trip for kids at Christmas to visit the "real" Santa's North Pole since I think Santa's Resort is Finland's version of Disney Land.  Cute idea for those who still believe!


Early Morning Runs

Sorry to have been gone for so long! Life gets so busy, it is hard to live it and blog about it too.

We've had to revamp our training around here, and I use the term "training" lightly.  Pat and I had to stop working out in the afternoons, because there is only an hour between when I get home from work at 5:30 PM and when Kate goes to bed at 6:30 PM and in that time we have to feed, bath, and play with our little girl.  Not to mention, start something for us to eat.  So working out had gone out the window, and Pat and I had to come up with a new plan to work out in the mornings.  We both leave for work, and to take Kate to daycare, at 7:30 AM so our workouts need to be done by 6:15 AM if we're going to have enough time for both of us to eat breakfast, shower, feed and dress Kate, get her bottles and food ready, make coffee, walk the dog, put away laundry and clean dishes, etc.  So the alarm clock now goes off at 5:00 AM and one of us tries to be out running by 5:30 AM on alternating mornings.  So far we're not doing that well - Pat is doing better than I am, but we both make it about once a week.  This week, so far, neither one of us has wanted to run on icy streets in the dark.

In researching tips for early morning workouts, I found the following to be the best advice:
  • Eat something -  between 100 - 300 calories is all you need.  It helps get your digestion going and keeps you from being hungry half way through your workout.  A banana, granola bar, or piece of toast seems to be just right.
  • Set the coffee pot - or put out items for a hot drink.  I prefer tea.  Although caffeine has been shown to improve your performance, neither Pat or I can stomach it before a run.  Something hot is comforting and helps you wake-up though, so I make sure and put out the tea pot with water, my cup, and the tea bag before I go to bed.
  • Set out your clothes - having everything ready cuts down on the time and energy it takes to get out the door, once you finally make a move away from the bed sheets.
  • Turn on lots of lights - we have to leave it dark upstairs, but we go downstairs or in the bathroom to get ready and make sure to get lots of lights on.  It helps your brain wake-up and feel like it is morning.
  • Don't look outside from bed! - Especially if the forecast called for snow last night.  Just don't do it.
We also had to change the route that we take.  While it is very safe to run along the trails, and rivers here during the day - I worry about animals (bears in particular) in secluded areas.  The best advice I read mentioned that even well lit areas that are secluded won't help you if you get attacked and no one can hear you call for help.  Plus the trail can be icy and snow packed, so we decided to create a path through town using http://www.mapmyrun.com/

I'll try and post some pictures the next time I actually make it out that early!


Beyonce the Chicken

I laughed so hard I cried.... Beyonce, watch out because he'll cut you!


10th Mountain Huts new website

If you haven't already, please take a look at the new website for 10th Mountain Huts, found here www.huts.org

Patrick took it upon himself to learn how to design and maintain the company's website, and the new version is finally up and running.  I think it looks amazing, and I couldn't be more proud of the time and energy Patrick put into it. Great job honey!!!

If you like it too, feel free to let him know at patrick@huts.org.


Inspiring Aspenites

Great story over on www.StuckintheRockies.com about an inspiring woman here in Aspen.  Read the story here. We don't know Christy and Ted Mahon personally, but they are constantly tackling fun runs, hikes, and skiing that we don't have the time or energy to do anymore, so we love reading about their adventures.

Christy Mahon, the 1st woman to ski all 54 Colorado 14ers


Coronado Island

I resisted the temptation to title this post "my brother is a bad, bad man"!  In fact we're very proud of him, but knew this day would come.  Pat and I both said that, barring some horrible injury, we knew he would finish this adventure once he started it.  Our recent trip to Coronado to see him graduate was fun and sad at the same time, mostly because we don't get to spend that much time with all of us together anymore and it was too short.

The trip did not start off that well, as our flight out of Aspen was cancelled so we headed over the mountains to Denver to catch a later flight to San Diego.  Pat snapped a few shots of the pass from Copper Mountain.

We made it to San Diego, and the next morning we were on the bus to the graduation.  Of course, we didn't take enough photos, but here are a few from the ceremony...

We miss these guys already!


Aspen Ski Pass

Back to the basics! We've been sick, moving, cleaning, traveling, and getting ready for my brother's graduation.... but the most important part of last week was purchasing our ski passes for the 2011-2012 Ski Season in Aspen. 

For the last six years, Pat has always bought the Premier Pass with full access and lots of discounts.  And I'm certain he has gotten his money's worth.  I used the 2-day a week pass, since I couldn't ski during the week due to work, until they discontinued it two years ago.  I made the mistake of buying a Premier Pass that year (non-chamber for $1,500... grrrr) and it went to waste, and last year I bought the 4-day Classic Pass since I was pregnant (I only skied three days).

This year, we are new parents.  I didn't think it would be such a big let down to ski less, and I always knew skiing would take a back seat to parenting some day, but this fall I was sad when we bought our passes.  Maybe it's because I only skied three days last year, so I am really anxious for winter to get here.  With some nostalgia, I bought the 7-day Classic Pass and Patrick bought the Double Flex Pass.  I can buy extra days at $50 per day, and I estimated that I would get between 10-15 days this year if I'm lucky.  Patrick thinks he can take a few long lunches during the week, or ski alone on a Saturday or Sunday and we just couldn't justify paying for the Premier Pass even though it was only $150 more.

That means we need to get back to our workouts.  We've stopped running and working out in the last two weeks, unless you count the endless boxes we've carried up and down several flights of stairs every day.  I'm really looking forward to the new Aspen Pure Barre classes, since my schedule doesn't allow me to take any of the adult ballet classes in town, and this is the next best option for me.  Hopefully, we'll be able to find some ski conditioning classes that meet on alternating nights of the week, and we'll be in top shape for opening weekend!


Friday Night

This is my new favorite song:
Sorry the video is awful, but you can hear it for free here.

T.B. Schmit
(*feat. Van Dyke Parks)

Hold on, let's end this conversation
We need to take a break and I don't want to fight
I've had a minor revelation
Let's deal with it later
'Cuz it's Friday night

All week, we've been working so hard
Now it's time to kick back and set our sights
We can make it pretty simple
Put it on the backburner
It's a Friday night!

Feel that warm breeze floating through the window
Sure do like it this way
Something tells me this is the way to go
And I've got a few things to say

Slip into your best dress
Paint your lips red
Open up your blue eyes
Forget the things we said

I could be your lover
You can shine the light
Let's fire up the candle
It's a Friday night

Let's go look for hidden treasure
I wanna dig it up while the moon is bright
No more living under pressure
Gotta see your eyes sparkle
It's a Friday night

Roll that big world right off your shoulders
I will try to do the same
If we don't act now, we'll simply grow older
Another faded picture in a frame

Button off your blue jeans
Tumble down your hair
Take a look around
We can do it anywhere

You can be my princess
I'll be what you like
Let's run around the palace
It's a Friday night

Feel that warm breeze floating through the window
Sure do like it this way
Something tells me this is the way to go
And I've got a few words to say

Slip into your best dress
Paint your lips red
Open up your blue eyes
Forget the things we said

I could be your lover
You can shine the light
Let's burn another candle
It's a Friday night


Late (and short) Summer in the Rockies

This week my co-workers and I headed to the McNamara Hut for a work day, cleaning and re-stocking the hut.  The hut is closed for the summer, but will open for the winter season on Thanksgiving Day.  Stocking wood and cleaning went really fast, so we headed out for an afternoon hike - these photos don't quite capture how amazing the wildflowers look right now.

And here are a few photos from last Monday night's fishing.
My first brown trout on the fly
Young Rainbow Trout

Kate learned to spit while eating!

And because my wife asked me do this week's post... Enjoy a quick joke.

Have a great weekend.



Don't be ashamed that your parents
Didn't happen to meet at an art exhibit
Or at a protest against a foreign policy
Based on fear of negotiation,
But in an aisle of a discount drugstore,
Near the antihistamine section,
Seeking relief from the common cold.
You ought to be proud that even there,
Amid coughs and sneezes,
They were able to peer beneath
The veil of pointless happenstance.
Here is someone, each thought,
Able to laugh at the indignities
That flesh is heir to. Here
Is a person one might care about.
Not love at first sight, but the will
To be ready to endorse the feeling
Should it arise. Had they waited
For settings more promising,
You wouldn't be here,
Wishing things were different.
Why not delight at how young they were
When they made the most of their chances,
How young still, a little later,
When they bought a double plot
At the cemetery. Look at you,
Twice as old now as they were
When they made arrangements,
And still you're thinking of moving on,
Of finding a town with a climate
Friendlier to your many talents.
Don't be ashamed of the homely thought
That whatever you might do elsewhere,
In the time remaining, you might do here
If you can resolve, at last, to pay attention.

"Drugstore" by Carl Dennis, from Callings. © Penguin Poets, 2010. (buy now)


Ajax Inside Out

They say you have to learn to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. But if you are a baby with places to go and important things to do sometimes that progression is just too slow. Since Kate had already skied Ajax while inside her mommy’s tummy this last winter, she decided it was time she hiked it in the summer, this time strapped to the outside of her mommy. Never the one’s to disappoint our little princess; we grabbed Stella and the new baby carrier and headed up the Ute Trail towards the top of Ajax. Kate napped for the first part of the hike, but she woke up in time to take in the best views of the day. 

Looking back down towards town and the airport in the distance.

The Dumps from the trail up Gents Ridge.

The gondola and the top of Bell Mountain

Stella thought it was a bit hot and dry for her taste, but luckily there's a snow-making storage pond about 2/3rds of the way up that was a welcome sight for her tired paws. She got her second wind at this point and we had to keep reminding her to wait for us the rest of the way up.

"Daddy, I think I see a fish in here!"

We made it in just over 2 hours, which is slow for lots of people in this town but pretty good with a baby strapped to you.  We were a little nervous about how Stella would do on the gondola ride back down, but as tired as she was, she barely had the energy to freak out. Once she made it on, she collapsed on the cold metal floor for the ride back down. 

Highlands Bowl from the Sundeck.

"All in a day's work daddy."

Stella enjoying the view from a few stories up.
Saturday night I finally made it out onto the river for the first time since the runoff started here and promptly managed to snap the tip of my rod off while bushwhacking down to the river. Luckily it is under warranty, but it is still a 4-week wait for the repair, so I’ll be casting a spare rod for the next few weeks. Even after breaking it I still managed to roll cast my way into some hungry fish.  

Have a great weekend.



Getting in Shape

Two summers ago, Patrick and I trained for the Gateway half marathon in Gateway, CO.

The drive to town, and the scenery during the race, were unbelievably beautiful and the run was really fun, but that was the last race we've done.  Last summer we did more hiking for hunting season than running, (and got pregnant!), and this year I was just coming off delivering a baby - not the best time to start training.  However, we are going to the beach before you know it, and both Patrick and I thought it was finally time to start running again.

With such a short summer here in the mountains, you have to start training in the spring (i.e. snow), which makes training 6 days a week hard to do.  We typically use skiing as our main activity on the weekends (both in-bounds and back-country), and keep a gym membership for working out during the week, until about the 1st of April.  Then we start training outside when the weather permits, which is usually only a couple of days each week.

Two years ago, this lead me to search for a training program that required only 3 days/week, and I happened upon the FIRST method (don't tell Pat it was in the Women's Running World). We had great success in increasing our distances and achieving our goal times, so I figured we could use it this summer to get in shape, even though we aren't really training for a race.

Right now, we're still working on being able to comfortably run 3 miles.  For me, it has been a real struggle - because most afternoons I would rather curl up on the couch with some wine, than push a stroller through the rain up a hill - but we're trying to keep up a consistent routine and have managed to hit the trail at least three times a week.  Since, I don't really want to train for a half marathon (13 miles), I am going to cut all of the training in half so that in 10 weeks I should be able to run 6.5 miles with the stroller in under an hour.

The Plan
12x4001.5-mile tempo3-mile long run
22x8002-mile tempo4-mile long run
32x16002.5-mile tempo5-mile long run
43x4003-mile tempo3-mile long run
52x16002-mile tempo5-mile long run
62x8004-mile tempo4-mile long run
73x4003-mile tempo5-mile long run
82x16004-mile tempo6-mile long run
92x8001.5-mile tempo3-mile long run
102x4001-mile tempo6.5 Mile Goal
(The full training plan can be found here).

The only remaining items to figure out are how we're going to keep Kate entertained while we're at the track, and what color swimsuit to buy.


One fish, Two fish

We headed to Grand Junction this weekend to visit Grandma and Grandpa. 

Living in a small one-bedroom in Aspen has its pluses, and its minuses, which means sometimes we like to escape to the larger house/kitchen/yard of my parents' home.  The dog loves it, the baby has her own room, and we get an extra set of hands for some much needed R&R.  Plus the company is top-notch!

On Saturday, Pat took a casting lesson from Western Anglers and did a little fishing at Connected Lakes, then we headed to the pool for Kate's first real swim (and my first time in a bathing suit since getting pregnant!).

On Sunday, we tested out the new toys my parents gave Kate, she loves the Bumbo Baby Seat, and Stella tried to stay awake on the ride home.


I am not tired, or grumpy - I just need a drink

Today I went home for lunch and decided to ask Pat why he hadn't called me when I was an hour late for lunch?  He was confused on why HE should call ME, when I'm late.  I let him know that he should be concerned about my well being, and that my tardiness might signal a problem, or that something was wrong.  He directed me to this website.... www.everythingidoiswrong.org which made me laugh.  I thought you might enjoy it too, have a happy Friday!

P.S. - I've noticed that the ads on our side-bar commonly refer to "addiction", "treatment", or "The Betty Ford Clinic".  I apologize that Google has decided a blog titled "Drinking" in some way signals the readers have a problem.  I don't think there's anything wrong with our social activities and I certainly encourage our readers (over 21 of course) to drink while enjoying our posts.  Cheers!


Blogger vs. Wordpress

When I told Pat that I wanted to start a blog, we discussed what it would be about and why we would be writing it.  We both agreed that we liked the idea of a journal for friends and family to read, that was separate and different from Facebook, and that would be treated as a hobby and not a job.  Many people who are starting blogs these days want to use them as a business - to sell something or to make money - and since we have neither the time, nor a product to sell, it made sense to keep things simple and fun. 

Pat explained to me what we would need:
  1. Registration
  2. DNS Hosting
  3. Content Hosting
Pat explained that the registration is like your phone number, DNS hosting is like your yellow pages listing, and Content hosting is like your house where you connect your phone number.  Several companies offer all three, for free - the top two are www.blogger.com and www.wordpress.com.  We went with Blogger and started posting away.

A few weeks later, I found a template that I liked.  I tried and tried to make our blog look similar, but I wanted that exact template and it was only available on Wordpress.  I was also unhappy with the comments section on Blogger, and I noticed that all of the blogs I follow are designed on Wordpress.  I impulsively made the decision to switch from Blogger to Wordpress, and found that lots of people do the same.  Unfortunately, I didn't spend the time reading about why people make the switch.

Fast forward through six hours of my life that I will never get back, and I realized that Wordpress.com is a basic content host with little - to no - customization and the template, Amazon widgets, Google apps, and other gadgets that I liked were only available on Wordpress.ORG.  Turns out, wordpress.com is meant to build, so that as your traffic increases you can move to a custom domain, with a private DNS server and just use Wordpress as your content host.  It was exactly what we weren't looking for - with all of three posts - and with no real direction to our writing yet, it was going to cost us monthly fees just so that I could enjoy a custom header and reply to visitor comments.

If I've lost you - or just made you bored as hell - don't worry!  I fully intend to lose and never speak of this knowledge again.  Long story post short, I spent my Saturday - through four feedings, two naps, five emails to Wordpress, and a great batch of meatballs for dinner - figuring out how to get back to Blogger.  I now know that my husband is the only source I need for writing customized CSS/HTML formatting code, and I will hopefully never google "Wordpress" again.

We plan to purchase our domain www.drinkingataltitude.com from Blogger as soon as it is released from Wordpress and own the rights to the cirlce of confusion that I have created on the web in the last few days.  We've changed our comments section, so please feel free to leave a message - we'd love to know who's reading and what you like and dislike about what we have so far.  Our future posts will always include photos - and I'm figuring out how to make them bigger and clearer - but we appreciate you sticking with us though the learning process!



The Old Man and The Sea

When my wife and I found out we were having a baby the most common piece of advice we got was to "spend as much time with your kids as possible because they grow up so fast". One day they’re learning how to sit up and the next they are calling home from college for more money. I never appreciated what good advice this was until we had our daughter, Kate. So now I feel lucky that this summer I am a stay at home dad 2 days/week.

Her newest thing these days is what we like to call the “old man face.” She’s taken to sucking her lips in over gums like an old man without dentures.

At our 4 month checkup the pediatrician assured us she couldn’t feel any teeth yet, but we’re not convinced. Coming from the deepest ends of the gene pool (or so we like to pretend) it only makes sense that she would be developing and hitting milestones early. Every time she chews her rattle I’m expecting her to chip a tooth.

As for the sea around here… she’s angry my friends. Most of the rivers and low elevation lakes are swollen and muddy and the high elevation ones are still half frozen and iced over. 

This feeder stream is usually small enough to jump across

We hiked up to Linkins Lake last weekend in hopes of doing a little fishing - instead Stella spent most of her time enjoying the snow that is still hanging around up high.

The hike up

Stella doing what she does best

 Enjoy the weekend.
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